
photo of house

Grand Oaks Chesapeakes has moved! We are now located in West Central Wisconsin between Eau Claire and Black River Falls. We are still doing everything with our dogs, just at a different location. We traded our 25 acres for 140 acres more room to do the things we love!

photo of dogs and trophies
2019 Chesapeake Club National Specialty

Our dogs are exposed to many birds during their training. We raise pheasants and chukar partridge along with keeping ducks and pigeons available for training. We believe in making training fun for the dogs. They begin retrieving and are exposed to birds before they are 7 weeks old.

We feel socialization is important for the puppies' confidence and becoming a well-loved member of the family. In addition to puppies, we occasionally have started dogs for sale. All of our dogs hunt waterfowl, upland birds and doves. They are also part of our family and wonderful companions; each with their unique personality. That is why we love our Chesapeakes.

photo of dogs and trophies
2018 Chesapeake Club National Specialty